The following Education Studies cross-listed courses have been offered in the last 5 years, and may be offered again in a future semester.
- EDST 218 | Democracy and Education, Stephanie Almeida Nevin
- EDST 325 | What is Education For? Stephanie Almeida Nevin and Bryan Garsten
- HIST 138 | The History Wars: Problems in Public Memory, David Blight
- EDST 130/AFAM 125 | The Long Civil Rights Movement, Crystal Feimster
- EDST 334/CGSC 334 | Public Plato: Wisdom Digital Age, Tamar Gendler
- EDST 340 | Anti-Racist Curriculum, Daniel HoSang
- EDST 436 | Developmental Science to Education Practice, Julia Leonard
- EDST 312 | Idolizing Education, Mordechai Levy-Eichel
- HUMS 115 | Purposes of College Education, Pericles Lewis
- EDST 350 | Autism and Related Disorders, Fred Volkmar
- EDST 405 | Youth Cultures in the Americas, Ana Ramos-Zayas
- EDST 135 | Philosophy of Education, Jason Stanley
- EDST 177 | Propaganda, Ideology & Democracy, Jason Stanley
- EDST 417 | Constructing Coeducation, Laura Wexler
- EDST 272/MUSI 484 | Music as Education, Lindsay Wright
- CGSC 437 Minds, Brains and Machines, Julian Jarra-Ettinger