Grace Kao

Grace Kao is the Faculty Director of the Education Studies Program and the IBM Professor of Sociology. She teaches courses in Race, Ethnicity and Immigration and the Sociology of Education. She received her AB in Sociology and Oriental Languages (Chinese Literature) from the University of California, Berkeley and her MA and PhD in Sociology from The University of Chicago.
Previously, Professor Kao directed the Asian American Studies Program at Penn and served as Associate Chair of the Sociology Department. She is the Co-Editor (with Hyunjoon Park) of Research in the Sociology of Education. She has served on the Boards of the Population Association of American and the Association for Asian American Studies. For the American Sociological Association, she has served as Council member for the Sections of Asia/Asian America and Education, and she has served as Chair of the Section of Children and Youth, and served on ASA’s Nominations Committee. She has also served on the Editorial Boards of the American Sociological Review, Social Science Quarterly, Social Science Research, Social Psychology Quarterly, Sociological Forum, Sociological Perspectives, and Social Problems.
She studies race, ethnicity, and immigration as they collectively relate to education and relationships among young people. Her work has been published in the American Sociological Review, Annual Review of Sociology, Social Science Research, Social Science Quarterly, American Education Research Journal, Teachers College Record, Child Development, Early Childcare Research Quarterly, Population Research and Policy Review, among others. According to Google Scholar, her work has been cited over 11,000 times. With Kara Joyner and Kelly Stamper-Balistreri, she is the author of The Company We Keep: Interracial Friendships and Romantic Relationships from Adolescence to Adulthood (Russell Sage, 2019).