
August 7, 2018
Education Studies Faculty Director Grace Kao has been appointed the IBM Professor of Sociology, an endowed chair that recognizes her research in race, ethnicity, immigration...
May 31, 2018
Yale Education Studies Executive Director, Mira Debs, was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor on her research on racial diversity and public Montessori schools.
May 11, 2018
Dear Education Studies Scholars, Earlier this week, a white Yale graduate student called the campus police to report on a black Yale graduate student who had fallen asleep in...
April 27, 2018
For inspiring and supporting future coders and computer science professionals, President Peter Salovey and Board of Alders President Tyisha Walker-Myers presented an...
March 9, 2018
Yale Deans and Heads of Colleges released their selections for the First-Year Counselors (FroCos) of 2018-19.  The First-Year Counselor Program was established in 1938, the...
February 16, 2018
Education Studies Scholar Karnessia Georgetown ‘19 is featured in Teen Vogue for her collaborative documentary series “Now, in color” about the diverse experiences of the...
December 1, 2017
Shayna Eliot of the Yale Daily News profiled the Education Studies Program. She writes “The program is, then, a unique area of study: It is education about education. And it...